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16th May 2024

Who is Jesus – John 1

Throughout his first chapter, John the gospel writer, is introducing the reader to who Jesus is & what Jesus does.
Over the last couple of days we have been looking into John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus.
He reveals Jesus to Israel as both the Lamb of God (verse 29) taking away sin & the Son of God (verse 34).
The One who baptises with the Spirit & the One on whom the Spirit rests & remains.
We will look a little further into both of these powerful out workings today.

And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him. I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.” John 1:32-34 NKJV

John the Baptist knows that Jesus is the Messiah, the Chosen One of God, because he sees the Spirit descend, rest & remain upon Jesus.
Jesus is being anointed with the Spirit for His earthly ministry. Note though that the Spirit rests & remains upon Jesus.
Jesus was a man (verse 14 & 30) fully surrendered to the Lord & living in perfect harmony with the Holy Spirit.
There was never a moment when Jesus grieved or quenched the Spirit working in & through Him (Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:19).
A man full of the Holy Spirit 24/7/365 & walking in full obedience to the Lord’s will, word & ways.
Jesus was tempted in every way, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:14-16). The sinless saviour of the world.
His purity of heart & life, mingled with His intimacy with the Father, were key to his powerful ministry. SELAH

John the Baptist had baptised with water (for repentance) but Jesus is the One who will baptise with the Holy Spirit.
This is a fantastic fulfilment of Old Testament Messianic prophecy (Isaiah 11:1-2, 42:1, 61:1).
John the Baptist is testifying that the Messiah, the fulfiller of all God’s promises & the saviour & King of Israel & the world has arrived.
Jesus baptising with the Spirit means that the Spirit comes through Him.
It means that Jesus immerses & plunges His people into the Spirit & into the Spirit’s purity (holiness), purpose & power.
It is the saving, sanctifying, equipping & empowering work of Christ in our lives. SELAH
Baptism in the Spirit brings new life & living water, & it witnesses to & glorifies (points to & lifts high) Jesus.

Jesus was the Chosen One of God, the Messiah & Anointed One.
A great & lofty calling with a powerful gifting & anointing to accompany it.
Yet He still lived with all the vulnerabilities & limitations of His humanity.
He left His heavenly glory (Philippians 2:7-12) and whilst upon the earth there were things He did not know (Matthew 24:26; Luke 2:52).
The way Jesus lived as a man enabled the Holy Spirit to use Him incredibly powerfully.
We are not Jesus but He does live within us & shares His anointing & mission with us.
As His disciples we are called & commissioned to complete His mission by discipling the nations.
If we too live in submission to the Spirit we too can be used powerfully in the Lord’s service. SELAH
Following the example of Christ let us live in purity so that we might walk in the power & purpose of God. Hallelujah!!

For Reflection

  • In what ways have I experienced being baptised in the Spirit?
  • How frequently does the Spirit not just live within me, but rest upon me in purity & power?
  • Meditate upon Jesus Christ, the One on whom the Spirit rests & remains & the baptiser in the Spirit.

A song related to this theme:


Heavenly Father,
Thank you for Jesus Your Son & my saviour,
That He is the Messiah, the One whom Your Spirit rests & remains upon.
Jesus, thank you that You baptise me in Your Spirit,
Freely gifting unto me new life, living water, purity, purpose & power.
Holy Spirit keep me walking & living in harmony with You,
Witnessing to & glorifying Christ in & through my life.
In the mighty Name of Jesus.

Written by Gareth Jones

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